Conference Survival Guide

Conference 101

This section will outline the nuts and bolts of Conference, from getting oriented and what to watch for during business sessions to having fun with your fellow delegates.

Need help? Ask a member of the Conference Committee! We are easy to spot in our blue vests. Committee members can provide directions and other general information.

Conference registration: Delegates and guests must check in at the registration table to receive their Conference materials. The registration desk is located inside the Grand Ballroom.

Is this your first Conference? Stop by the first timer’s table in the hallway outside the Grand Ballroom! Conference committee members will be there, ready to answer any questions you may have.

Medical alert: Conference attendees should complete the emergency contact information on the back of their name badge. If you have any medical concerns, let the staff at the registration table know. They will be able to arrange assistance for you.

Delegate changes, on-site payments and other non-routine items: Last-minute changes to your registration can be taken care of by staff at the Conference registration table.

Conference events: All Conference events will take place at the Holiday Inn Portland — Columbia Riverfront. Business sessions are held in the Grand Ballroom on the main floor. See your agenda for detailed times and locations for all Conference activities.

Name badges: Delegates and guests must wear their name badges at all times. Name badges should be worn at chest level while on the Conference floor, when entering the election room and during meals. You will be given your name badge at the Conference registration table.

Name badges are color-coded to help identify the zones and classifications of Conference delegates:

Conference name badge

Candidate and committee displays: Learn more about state committees and the candidates running for Board positions by checking out their displays in the hall across from the Mt. St. Helens Ballroom.

Lost and found: Lost and found is located at the Conference registration table.

Business session: Official meeting in which delegates conduct the formal business of Conference. Only delegates and registered guests may be present.

Conference chair: Presides over business sessions as a moderator to ensure business is conducted appropriately. OSEA’s state president acts as Conference chair.

Conference rules: A set of guidelines on how Conference runs. Delegates will approve the “Rules for the Conduct of Business” at the start of Conference.

Constitution: OSEA’s Constitution is the highest law of our union, providing the foundation for day-to-day operations and expressing the values and vision of our membership.

Credentials report: The count of delegates who have reported to Conference, used to determine if sufficient delegates are present to conduct business. It is updated and voted on at the beginning of each business session.

Delegate: An OSEA member elected by their chapter to represent the chapter membership at Conference.

Floor: The right to speak during a business session. A delegate has the floor after being acknowledged by the Conference chair.

Good of the order: An agenda item under which delegates may make statements or have discussions about topics related to the organization that do not pertain to Conference business.

Minutes: The official record of the proceedings of a meeting.

Motion: A formal proposal to the assembly for an action to be taken, such as conducting a vote or amending a resolution.

Parliamentary procedure: A set of rules for the orderly conduct of business at meetings. It is used to ensure every delegate can be heard and decisions can be made without confusion. OSEA uses Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised as a manual for parliamentary procedure.

Point of order: A question about whether the correct procedure is being followed.

Recognition: The chair’s formal acknowledgment that a delegate has the floor.

Resolution: An amendment to OSEA’s Constitution, Board Policy, Standing Rules or organizational positions proposed by a member and voted on by Conference delegates.

Second: An indication made by a delegate to endorse a motion or nomination so that debate or voting may begin. A second does not necessarily mean the delegate favors the motion.

Sergeant-at-Arms: An individual appointed to maintain order during Conference. If necessary, the sergeant-at-arms may be directed to remove a delegate or guest who is overly disruptive.

Standing Rules: OSEA’s Standing Rules are a set of guidelines for the administration of the organization.

Meals: Delegates can enjoy meals at no extra cost during Conference, including banquet. When you register, select the meals you will attend and be sure to specify any dietary restrictions. Meals are served buffet style.

Tipping: It is not necessary to tip the people who serve meals at Conference as meal prices include gratuity. Servers appreciate kind words for doing their jobs well.

Smoking and drinking: Smoking is not permitted in the hotel or within 20 feet of external doors. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the Conference floor.

Snacks: Bring your own snacks. You must clean up any snack “messes” that occur.

Clothing: Casual clothing is appropriate. Keep in mind that you will be seated a great deal of the time. We will be in air-conditioned rooms so bring layers. There is a dress theme for each day — check the “Conference Fun” section for details!

Hats: On hat day, hats that do not block the view of others will be allowed. Although headcoverings are not restricted on the delegate floor during Conference, please remove hats that may block your colleagues' view at any point during Conference.

Duties of a Delegate

You have been elected by your chapter to act as their representative — much like your senator represents you at the Capitol.

The actions you take and votes you cast will impact the future of our union for years to come. All delegates should do the following:

Before Conference:

  • Attend chapter meetings to discuss resolutions with fellow chapter members.
  • Read and study the resolutions, budget and other materials in on the Conference webpage. Be prepared to participate in the debate, propose amendments and cast informed votes.

During Conference:

  • Attend all business sessions. Arrive before the meeting starts and stay until they conclude.
  • Check the Conference agenda for the time and location of all meetings and special events.
  • Listen carefully to the debate on issues and consider what is best for OSEA before casting your vote.
  • Attend activities outside business sessions, too. Workshops and zone meetings are important opportunities for you to gain skills or speak up for the members of your chapter.

After Conference:

  • Share Conference updates with your chapter when you return.
Business Sessions

Business sessions are the official meetings during which delegates conduct the formal business of Conference. See the Conference agenda for the topics addressed in each business session.

Seating: Only delegates are allowed on the Conference floor during business sessions. Guests and staff will be seated in a designated area. The Conference Committee assigns each chapter’s delegates to a specific table on the Conference floor. Please do not move your chapter to a different table. If you cannot find your assigned seat, ask a member of the Conference Committee.

Quiet on the floor: Please respect your fellow delegates and remain quiet during business sessions. Side conversations can be extremely distracting to surrounding tables and those seated on the stage. Cell phones must be on silent mode. Delegates should abide by the “QUIET” signs whenever they are displayed by Conference Committee members.

Announcements: The Conference Committee co-chairs will provide important announcements prior to the start of each business session. These announcements are also posted at the back of the Grand Ballroom.

Delegates participate in lively debates as they work to shape the future of our union. There are five microphones on the Conference floor and it is important to use the correct one.*

*Delegates with disabilities may use whichever microphone is closest or easiest to access.

When you wish to speak, line up behind the appropriate microphone and wait to be acknowledged by the Conference chair. Before speaking, introduce yourself with your full name, chapter name and chapter number. Speak slowly and clearly and spell your name for the secretary. Use the following format:

“(Madam/Mister) President, my name is (first and last name) from (chapter name and number). I wish to..."

Each microphone is labeled for its intended use: Microphone #1 - Pro; Microphone #2 - Con; Microphone #3 - Pro; Microphone #4- Con; Microphone #5 - Questions.

Main motions and resolutions: When you wish to speak in favor of or against a motion or resolution, go to the microphones at the right and left sides of the floor (#1-4). When you are recognized by the chair, introduce yourself and say:

"I wish to speak (in favor/against) the motion...”

Ask a question: The center microphone (#5) is only for questions. You may ask about a resolution or amendment, seek advice on the correct procedure to follow or request additional facts, information or clarification. To ask a question, use the center microphone and say:

“I have a question on (e.g., the fiscal impact of this amendment).”

Point of Order: If there is a point of order, stand, raise your chapter placard and point-of-order card and proceed to any microphone. Say, “Point of order, (Madam/Mister) Chair.” This occurs when there is a breach in Conference Rules, Standing Rules or parliamentary procedure (e.g., the delegate speaking has already spoken twice on the issue). The chair will determine if the point is or is not well taken; their decision may be appealed.

Additional motions: You can use any of the right or left microphones (#1-4) to do the following:

  • Amend — Use the provided form to write out your amendment clearly. Give one copy to a member of the Conference committee, who will bring it to the chair, and keep a copy to read. At the microphone, say “I move to amend the resolution... (deleting, adding, replacing, etc.).”
  • End debate — To prompt a vote, say “I move to end debate.” If the motion to end debate is successful, the vote on the main motion or resolution is taken without any further discussion.
  • Call for a division — A delegate may call for a division to require a count. It takes a majority vote to compel a standing count.
  • Postpone definitely (to a certain time) — Say “I move to postpone this discussion until (e.g., the next business session) to delay discussion until a specific date and time or until more information is available.
  • Limit or extend limits of debate — Say “I move that debate on this motion cease at (e.g., 4 p.m.),” or “I move to limit debate to (e.g., 10 minutes for each side to speak),” or “I move to extend debate to (e.g., 4:15 p.m.), or “I move to allow (e.g., five more minutes for each side to speak).” This motion requires a two-thirds vote to pass.
  • Reconsider — Say “having voted on the prevailing side, I now move that we reconsider (e.g., Resolution 2).” This motion must be made on the same day or day following the vote and by a delegate who voted on the prevailing side. If the motion to reconsider passes, the discussion and vote on the original motion or resolution is taken again.
  • Lay on the table/take from the table — Say “I move that we table this motion,” to set something aside temporarily when another issue needs to be addressed immediately. You may then take the motion from the table as soon as the interrupting business is resolved.
  • Refer — If a resolution needs to be carefully studied and/or put into better condition, it may be referred to a committee. Say “I move to refer this resolution to (e.g., the Resolutions/Constitution Committee).”
  • Recess — Say “I move that we recess for (e.g., 10 minutes).” This does not end the meeting and is usually done for a specific purpose, such as preparing for a run-off election.

Conference Fun

Don’t worry about Conference being all work and no play — there are lots of opportunities for fun with your fellow delegates! It is a good idea to bring extra cash for activities but you are not required to purchase anything or contribute to any cause during Conference.

Dress up days: Thursday is OSEA T-shirt and hat day (make sure your hat does not block the view of any other delegates). Friday’s dress code is business casual. The theme on Saturday is Conference colors.

Parade of banners: Show your chapter pride by marching with your banner during opening ceremonies! Banners can be made of any material and can take the form of a quilt, tapestry or painting.

Vendor fair: Meet some of OSEA's labor and community partners and enjoy some perks at the vendor fair. Check your agenda for the time and location.

Bingo: It wouldn’t be Conference without Bingo! There will be a $10 suggested donation to join the fun. Donations go to the Member Assistance Fund.

Government Relations Auction: Remember to bring your chapter’s donated items for the auction! All proceeds support OSEA’s Education and Labor Advocacy Fund (ELAF) for political action. The silent auction begins Friday morning and closes at 9 a.m. on Saturday. The live auction follows banquet. Bid early and often!

Member Assistance Fund raffle: Enter to win any of the amazing prizes displayed in the Grand Ballroom by purchasing tickets from OSEA staff. The drawing takes place after the good of the order on Saturday; you must be present to win.

Door prizes: Each delegate who brings a door prize will receive a ticket when they check in at the registration table. Tickets can be redeemed for a door prize 15 minutes prior to each business session. Received prizes are final.

Banquet: Join us to celebrate another amazing year of empowering education workers at the Conference banquet! There is no extra cost for delegates to attend banquet this year. Sign up sheets for table assignments will be posted outside the Grand Ballroom; table assignments close at the start of the last business session on Friday.

Hotel Information

Conference takes place at the Holiday Inn Portland — Columbia Riverfront. Hotel policies are subject to change; please confirm details with the Holiday Inn when you check in.

Check-in: Check-in time is 3 p.m. If you arrive earlier, please leave your bags in your car. The Conference schedule is full and you may not have time to get into your room until after the activities. OSEA is not responsible for your belongings during Conference.

Paying for your room: Before coming to Conference, make sure you know how your room will be paid (e.g., did your chapter pre-pay or will it pay at Conference? Will you pay for the room and then be reimbursed by your chapter?) Make sure to understand the total rate, including taxes. If your chapter received a Conference scholarship, OSEA may take care of your hotel bill.

Note: Even if your room has been pre-paid, the hotel may require a credit card on file to guarantee payment for incidentals. Keep track of the extra charges, such as phone calls and entertainment rentals. Make sure you understand how much you will be charged.

Check-out: Check-out time is 11 a.m. If you need a later check-out, ask the hotel clerk when you arrive. There may be an additional charge for late check-out.

Traveling by car? There is plenty of parking available at the hotel.