Classified School Employees Week 2022

Classified school employees go above and beyond for Oregon schools every day. They keep Oregon students safe, healthy, nourished and learning, no matter what. While their work is often unrecognized, these dedicated educators and civil servants do important jobs that are essential to our schools. This Classified School Employees Week, OSEA would like to share our heartfelt gratitude with all hardworking classified school employees. You make a difference, today and every day. Thank you for all you do!

Classified School Employees Week is March 7 through 11!

Please join OSEA in recognizing the essential workers who keep schools running, even in extraordinary circumstances. Our theme this year is: “Classified… We Make it Work, With Class!” The theme was chosen by the Public Relations Committee from suggestions submitted by OSEA members.

Official proclamation from Governor Kate Brown (PDF)

Use #CEW2022 to share how you celebrate Classified School Employees Week!

Promotional Materials for Classified School Employees Week 2022

Printable Posters

Social Media
