Classified School Employees Week 2023

Classified workers are dedicated professionals who keep Oregon schools running and help students learn. Whether we work in the classroom, bus garage, school yard, cafeteria or district office, we make a difference every day. OSEA and the state of Oregon celebrate Classified School Employees Week (CEW) during the first week of March each year to honor hardworking classified professionals across the state and raise awareness of the important work we do.

This year, our CEW theme is Leadership, Effectiveness, Advocacy, Diplomacy/Liderazgo, Eficacia, Apoyo, Diplomacia. In both English and Spanish, the words make the acronym LEAD, recognizing classified as leaders in education. The theme was submitted by Julie Wilborn of Corvallis Chapter 2.

Classified School Employees Week is March 6 to 10!

Please join OSEA in recognizing the classified professionals who lead the way for Oregon schools and education programs. Materials will be added to this toolkit to give you all you need to recognize classified school employees. Use #CEW2023 on social media to share the ways you are celebrating CEW this year!