OSEA’s Bipartisan Endorsements for the 2022 Election

Your vote is powerful. The leaders Oregonians elect to represent us will shape our state, our schools and our communities. How you vote is always a personal decision. In OSEA, the voting choices of every member are respected.

We are proud to announce our endorsements for the 2022 general election. These endorsements are made only after OSEA members on interview panels, the Government Relations Committee and the Board of Directors work for months to identify the candidates who will stand with us on the education and labor issues that impact our livelihoods. Read on to meet our endorsed candidates and learn more about our endorsement process.

But first, make sure you are ready to vote!

  • Oregon’s voter registration deadline is Tuesday, October 18. Click here to register or check your status.
  • Your district may have changed since the last election due to redistricting following the 2020 census. Use this tool to see if your House and Senate seats changed in redistricting.

Members Lead the Way to Making Endorsements

OSEA is a nonpartisan organization; our endorsements are made solely on a candidate’s position on the education and labor issues that impact our jobs and livelihoods — issues like school funding, Work Shouldn’t Hurt legislation and unemployment insurance (UI) access.

There are several steps to a candidate earning OSEA‘s endorsement:

  1. First, a candidate must participate in an interview with OSEA members. OSEA extends invitations to candidates in key races and any candidate may request an endorsement interview. Likewise, any OSEA member can volunteer on an interview panel. As much as is possible, candidates are interviewed by members from their district.
  2. Next, members on the Government Relations Committee reviews the recommendation of the interview panel. They will also check the candidate’s track record on OSEA‘s legislative priorities.
  3. The committee then makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors, who makes the final decision on endorsement.

Every step of our endorsement process is driven by members. If you want to learn more or be a part of the endorsement process for the next election, contact one of OSEA’s government relations specialists, email Bob Estabrook or email Susan.

Statewide Endorsements

Governor, Tina Kotek

U.S Senate, Ron Wyden

Labor commissioner, Christina Stephenson

US Representatives*

Coast (Yellow)

Willamette Valley/Central Oregon (Blue)

Portland Metro (Orange)

State Senate

Willamette Valley (Blue)

Portland Metro (Orange)

Southern Oregon (Green)

SD 3: Jeff Golden

State Representatives

Coast (Yellow)

Willamette Valley (Blue)

Portland Metro (Orange)

Southern Oregon (Green)

Central Oregon (Red)

*These endorsements were made jointly by the AFT Council of Oregon, comprised of OSEA, ONA, AFT-Oregon and OFNHP.