Statement from President Lisa Gourley on U.S Surgeon General’s Advisory on Protecting Youth Mental Health

Earlier this week, the U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory on the mental health challenges facing America’s young people, which have only worsened during the pandemic. OSEA President Lisa Gourley issued a statement in response, saying, “We applaud the surgeon general’s landmark report on youth mental health. School employees — especially classified, the employees represented by OSEA — have seen this enormous crisis building over the past several years.

We applaud the Surgeon General’s landmark report on youth mental health. School employees – especially classified, the employees represented by OSEA – have seen this enormous crisis building over the past several years. For too many years our children have suffered from emotional dysregulation and the lack of anger management education. The price has been felt from school bus stops to over-crowded classrooms, rural and metropolitan schools. All too often, classified are on the frontlines of students and communities in these crises. This is why our union holds workshops on trauma informed care, non-violent communications and other restorative skills.

As educators, we know that highly qualified school staff are the best resource for dealing with this crisis. But it is time that classified school staff in particular are recognized for the important role we have in providing effective support in our schools and at home. We know that our jobs are uniquely positioned to make a difference! We expect effective policy makers at all levels to listen to us – and include us in staff training and programs – as valuable resources on how our local communities can start appropriately addressing these issues and healing our children. Educating the whole child and creating change matters to everyone.

The Surgeon General’s report is a recognition and validation of the magnitude of the crises that our children and schools are facing. We can’t do it alone – it’s an all hands-on-deck situation. We need our legislators and policy makers to recognize, prioritize and embrace classified staff as a vital resource that students need and communities trust.

Thank you