Support OSEA Advocacy

Oregon School Employees Association’s (OSEA) government relations office (GRO) protects our rights and fights for OSEA’s vision for an even better Oregon. Together, OSEA members take action around issues that impact education employees:

  • Fully funded public education
  • Healthcare and retirement benefits
  • Adequate staffing
  • Workers’ rights

Your voice is powerful – join us to ensure education employees are heard! When lobbyists make sure corporate interests are over-represented, Oregon needs you to speak up. Your voice and your story can change hearts and minds in a way corporate lobbyists cannot.

Education & Labor Advocacy Fund

OSEA’s Education and Labor Advocacy Fund (ELAF) is the easiest and most effective way for members to support OSEA’s political action. Your contribution helps us campaign for candidates and ballot measures that reflect our union’s values – and campaign against the ones that would hurt members. ELAF is funded solely through voluntary contributions, not member dues.

Contribute to ELAF

Government Relations Update Group (GRUP!)

Members can join the Government Relations Update Group (GRUP!) for a more detailed look at the ways OSEA advocates for better laws. GRUP! members can opt-in to regular Zoom meetings to get timely updates on OSEA-backed bills, opportunities to testify at the Capitol and more.

Join GRUP!

Share Your Worker Story

There is a saying at the Capitol: “The truth rings.” It means that real people, sharing their real experiences, are more compelling than lobbyists and special interest groups. Your story is powerful.

Impacting Oregon’s education laws and policies can be as simple as completing a short survey on your experiences related to our 2024 legislative priorities:

  • Work Shouldn’t Hurt
  • Fully funding education
  • Safe staffing levels
  • Early education/early intervention special education funding

If these issues have impacted you or an education worker you know, please share your story with the government relations team. Real stories and data help OSEA educate lawmakers about real issues in our schools and workplaces. Your responses to the survey will be confidential unless you decide to share them publicly.

Share Your Worker Story